+44 (0)2084960276
+44 (0)7756149680
the 360 BOOTH
1m branded platform, boom arm and ring light.
Sharing station.
Power packs
Unlimited instant videos.
Multiple filters, effects and transitions
Message/logo, theme and soundtrack on videos
Custom SMS/email and social hashtags.
Branded landing page with social sharing
Branded start page and branded user journey
Live web gallery (private or public)
Embedded hyperlinks to external sites and promotions
Post event social share report and copy of all files
Delivery, setup and breakdown
Our NEW 360 Booth creates dynamic videos at your event. Capturing the action with out 360 boom arm and deploying a super slick user journey that allows users to share their branded content instantly.
The videos can be fully branded and we can add multiple effects, filters and a soundtrack.